
Your biggest problem may not be where you think it is

It is logical: You want to eliminate problems first where they appear. They use even more energy and work even harder to get to the goal. Well-known recipes lead to shortcuts that can distort your view of real causes and solutions:

  • What else can happen to me and how bad can it get?
  • What do I have to do to get rid of this problem immediately?
  • What do others do when you have this problem?

But what if the problem is not the problem?

Do you remedy symptoms even though your problems have a completely different cause?

What if even more energy and hard work doesn’t get you where you want to be?

What if a “keep it up” doesn’t bring you closer to your goal, but closer to your end?

If it were about working harder and with even more energy, you would have already reached your goal.

But what would happen if you would fundamentally redirect and use your energy differently?

Maybe this is exactly the solution for you.

Your biggest problem is incoherent thinking and action

You already have everything on board to master the challenges of the present and the future.

By removing unhelpful distortions, you will achieve coherence: you will align your potentials optimally, focus your energies and achieve your goals.

You are no longer like a light bulb that wastes a large part of its energy and converts it into heat. You are like a laser beam that cuts through metal with ease and doesn’t waste any of its energy.

Your potentials are optimally developed and used. You are prepared for the future. You can clearly see what is necessary and then implement it.


Are we a good fit?

  • You realize that you will not reach your goal with even more work and energy.
  • You are aware that resilience, self-confidence and the ability to bundle your potentials and energies are indispensable resources for the future.
  • You appreciate an open culture of learning, experimentation and innovation.
  • They want to get to the root of problems and are no longer satisfied with treating symptoms.
  • They are willing to make fundamental changes to create the future they desire.

That´s how we work together


You book a short discovery call in which we discuss the basic feasibility.


We arrange an appointment to outline the task in detail and discuss initial starting points. We get a precise idea of our cooperation.


The conditions and success criteria of our cooperation are documented and the formal assignment is made.


Unsere Arbeit beginnt. Durch schnelle Erfolge in Ihren wichtigsten Themen, erleben Sie schnell die positive Wirkung unserer Zusammenarbeit.

About Steffen Pietratus

Steffen Pietratus is a consultant and executive coach with a passion that goes right to the heart.

His whole passion is to accompany people and organizations in their transformation to achieve fundamental and sustainable changes.

His main concern is to teach leaders and people in challenging positions the principles of coherence and to anchor them effectively in their client relationships, organizations and every aspect of their lives.

He can draw on a wealth of experience from more than 20 years of management experience in IT management and consulting in international companies.

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